Ready to end separation? It starts with your choice...
Come along to my weekly 1 hour informal Workshop online via Zoom, wherever you are in the World - £5 per person.*
Book your place here: https://www.meetup.com
Every Thursday for 1 hour at 6pm UK time GMT (1pm US time EST).
At this relaxed and friendly meetup you will receive everything you need to:
- Clarify whether you've met your Twin Flame.
- Find out how to end separation permanently.
- Begin healing your blocks to love in a grounded practical way.
- Claim support and connect with others on the same journey.
- Find your next step on the journey to go deeper into love.
- Discover what you need to do to heal your Union.
I look forward to seeing you there!
*Non-refundable if you don't attend the workshop.